
AIomatic 1.7.2 Nulled – Your All-in-One AI Writing and Editing Toolkit

AIomatic 1.7.2 Nulled - Your All-in-One AI Writing and Editing Toolkit

AIomatic is a powerful AI content creation tool that utilizes the latest advancements in GPT-3 and GPT-4 technology to help you write and edit content effortlessly. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, AIomatic can assist you with a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Generating creative text formats: Craft compelling blog posts, articles, social media captions, and more with AIomatic’s AI-powered content generation capabilities.
  • Editing and refining your writing: Polish your content to perfection with AIomatic’s grammar and spell checking, style suggestions, and plagiarism detection features.
  • Creating engaging chatbot conversations: Develop captivating chatbot interactions using AIomatic’s ChatGPT framework.
  • Harnessing the power of AI for various tasks: AIomatic’s comprehensive toolkit extends beyond writing and editing, offering a suite of AI-powered tools for tasks such as email composition, code generation, and script writing.

With AIomatic, you have access to a versatile AI partner that can elevate your writing skills, streamline your content creation process, and unlock new possibilities in the realm of AI-powered communication.

Features of AIomatic 1.7.2 Nulled

  • Diverse Post Types:
    • Generate content for posts, pages, or any custom post type, providing flexibility for various types of websites.
  • Automatic Featured Images:
    • Fetch eye-catching, royalty-free images from sources like Pixabay, Pexels, MorgueFile, or Flickr to create visually appealing featured images for your posts.
  • Comment and Interaction Control:
    • Toggle comments, pingbacks, or trackbacks on or off for each generated post, allowing you to manage user engagement effectively.
  • Content Customization:
    • Fine-tune the generated content and post titles to align with your brand voice and style, ensuring a cohesive online presence.
  • Keyword Replacer Tool:
    • Implement a powerful tool to replace keywords strategically within your content, optimizing it for specific search terms and improving SEO performance.
  • Random Sentence Generator Tool:
    • Inject variety into your content with a tool that generates random sentences, adding a touch of creativity and uniqueness.
  • Activity Logging:
    • Keep a detailed log of plugin activities, providing transparency and insights into the generation process.
  • Scheduled Rule Runs:
    • Set up automated rule runs on a schedule, saving time and ensuring your site consistently delivers fresh and compelling content.
  • and editing, offering a suite of AI-powered tools for tasks such as email composition, code generation, and script writing.

With AIomatic, you have access to a versatile AI partner that can elevate your writing skills, streamline your content creation process, and unlock new possibilities in the realm of AI-powered communication.

How to Install WordPress Themes

Method 1: Using the WordPress Admin

  1. Download the file from the source onto your local computer.
  2. Log in to your WordPress Administration area.
  3. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  4. Click the “Add New” button.
  5. Click the “Upload Theme” button.
  6. Select the file from your computer.
  7. Click the “Install Now” button.
  8. Once the theme is installed, click the “Activate” button.

Method 2: Using FTP

  1. Launch your FTP client.
  2. Enter your login details and click “Quickconnect”.
  3. Select the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  4. Select the /wp-content/themes folder.
  5. In the Local Site window, select the folder containing your saved theme.
  6. Right-click on the folder and select “Upload”.
  7. Log in to your WordPress Administration area.
  8. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  9. Hover over the new theme and click “Activate”.

How to Install WordPress Plugins

Method 1: Using the WordPress Admin

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Click the “Choose File” button.
  3. Locate the plugin .zip file on your computer.
  4. Click the “Install Now” button.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click “Activate Plugin”.

Method 2: Using FTP

  1. Download the desired plugin as a .zip file from either the WordPress directory or a third-party source.
  2. Extract (or unzip) the plugin file.
  3. Connect to your WordPress website’s server with FTP.
  4. In your WordPress file directory, open the wp-content folder.
  5. Open the plugins folder.
  6. Upload the unzipped plugin folder to the plugins folder.
  7. Return to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  8. Find your new plugin and click “Activate”.
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